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Yeshua's Final Footsteps: 24 Hours That Changed History

April 10, 2015




Yeshua's final hours...

When Yeshua (Jesus) climbed the stairs to the Upper Room and sat down to a final Passover meal with His disciples, He knew what was ahead of Him. He knew that within hours He would change history. Before 24 hours were over, He would become the ultimate, the final, the eternal Passover Lamb. It was what He came to do: die for us so that His blood would cover our sin. 

While breaking the unleavened bread, Jesus the sinless Bread of Life proclaimed that His body would be broken for us. Sharing the Passover Cup of Redemption, the Redeemer of the world declared His blood shed for a new covenant between God and man. 

“Behold, I will do something new. Will you not be aware of it?” says Isaiah 43:19. Yeshua introduced the new covenant spoken of in Jeremiah 31, and as a result of His obedience (even to the point of death), we can have eternal life. 

The One who created all things checked His power and let Himself be led as a lamb to the slaughter. He endured the cruelty and shame of the executioner’s stake “for the joy set before Him” (Hebrews 12:2 TLV). That joy was our redemption. He endured for the joy of redeeming us. He endured for you. He loves you that much. 

And as if eternal life is not enough, Yeshua the Passover Lamb gives us new life here on earth through the power of God working in us. His power works to transform us, bring us hope, and grow in us the full, abundant life He promised. 

At the Last Supper, Yeshua reinterpreted the Passover and ascribed to it forever His blood shed for us to bring us the hope of life today and eternally. “Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift” (2 Corinthians 9:15 TLV)! 

Tune in for this week’s television program Jewish Voice with Jonathan Bernis April 6-10, 2015 – and all through April – for inspiring teaching about the last 24 hours of Yeshua’s life. For our television schedule, click here. 

Messianic Rabbi Jonathan Bernis and his media team filmed a powerful DVD a powerful DVD called His Final Footsteps, Retracing the Last 24 Hours of Jesus’ Life, which he filmed on location in Israel. Travel with Jonathan from the Upper Room, through Jerusalem, and to the Mount of Olives where Yeshua was betrayed, Golgotha where He died, and the Garden Tomb that He left empty when He rose. Each hour of Yeshua’s last 24 was pivotal, forever changing the course of history. As you retrace His final footsteps, your understanding of His great love for you will grow, and your faith will be strengthened.


Get Yeshua's Final Passover DVD

In this inspirational DVD, filmed on location in Jerusalem in the Upper Room, Rabbi Jonathan Bernis teaches us how to observe the rich traditions of the Passover Seder — just as Yeshua (Jesus) did with His disciples over 2,000 years ago, known as the Last Supper. 

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