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You can make MIRACLES happen!

December 05, 2018

Your support this Chanukah season will make miracles happen!

Chanukah – the Jewish Festival of Lights – is almost here.

A joyous season for Jewish people everywhere, Chanukah is the time we celebrate God miraculously making one day’s supply of lamp oil last for eight days, so the Temple in Jerusalem could be rededicated.

It was indeed a miracle. Of course, few people in today’s world believe in miracles. Everything, they assume, can be explained by science.

Certainly, we here at Jewish Voice believe in science. That’s why we use the very best doctors and nurses, and the most advanced technology in our Medical Outreach efforts.

But I can tell you from experience: We know miracles still happen. God still proves His love and power in amazing ways, just as He has for thousands of years.

Here’s just one example …

Recently we were finishing up on the last day of a Jewish Voice Medical Outreach in Mudanda, Zimbabwe. As always, we had a prayer tent where we pray for the physical and spiritual needs of the people who come to us. And we share the Good News about the love of Yeshua (Jesus) with them.

At the very end of this last day, a boy of about 16 named Ibrahim poked his head into the prayer tent, as though he were looking for something.

We asked if we could help him, and if he would like us to pray for him – an offer he gladly accepted. He had cotton gauze in his ears and explained he’d suffered from serious ear infections since he was a young child. As a result, Ibrahim had begun to lose his hearing.

Although our doctors had treated Ibrahim and done all they could to help him, they feared he would have permanent hearing loss from the years of infection.

So we began to pray for him. As we prayed, more and more of our team gathered around, adding their prayers.

As we continued to pray for Ibrahim, we had him remove the gauze. At first, he could hear only sounds made very close to his ears. But as we continued praying, his hearing began to noticeably improve – he was able to hear sounds from farther and farther away.

By the time we had finished praying, Ibrahim was able to hear his name spoken from the farthest end of the tent!

All of us – especially Ibrahim – were overjoyed at this miraculous healing!

And through all the smiles and laughter, we gave thanks to Yeshua – the Great Physician who healed again.

It would be one thing if the kind of healing Ibrahim experienced were a solitary incident. But through our many outreach efforts, Jewish Voice workers see miracles of this kind happen over and over again.

Healed bodies. Healed minds. And healed souls, as people – sometimes whole families – come to experience the love and salvation of Jesus through your support.

In fact, we believe in this foundational truth: God WILL heal and WILL save – miraculously, just as He did nearly 2,200 years ago during the incredible events that inspire our upcoming Chanukah observance.

We find He is not only willing but eager, to share His great love with people in need, especially when we’re faithful. He wants us to partner with Him in the generous release of His healing power and salvation. But I believe He expects us to go in faith to Jewish people in need and share with them the Good News of Jesus.

As the apostle Paul wrote to the Believers in Rome:

How then shall they call on the One in whom they have not trusted? And how shall they trust in the One they have not heard of? And how shall they hear without someone proclaiming? And how shall they proclaim unless they are sent? (Romans 10:14-15, TLV)

But for all the dedication of our Jewish Voice staff and volunteers, we can’t do it alone. The prayers and financial support of our generous partners – you and others who care deeply about the Jewish people – are the key.

That’s why I hope you’ll stand with us now by sending a generous year-end Chanukah Miracles gift of support.

Jewish Voice is entering our most critical fundraising season of the year. I’m expecting about 11% of annual giving to come in between now and year’s end. That means we really need to hear from you!

It’s unfortunate that many people in this world – even those who profess to follow Jesus – simply turn away from the great and obvious need around us.

But you and I must not turn away. Instead, together, we must turn TOWARD those in need, especially the poorest of the poor in Jewish communities in remote parts of the world, and do all we can to help them in Jesus’ name.

And always, we do this ministry work with CARE, LOVE and EXCELLENCE, because we believe that’s what Jesus wants for the people He loves and whom we serve.

Now I want to ask you to be part of helping make miracles happen. With your prayers and the most generous end-of-year Chanukah Miracles gift you can send now, you can be a part of God’s next miracles, by sharing physical healing and eternal hope with people like Ibrahim.


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