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You Can Make Twice the Impact!

October 30, 2017

Early next year, our team of skilled and dedicated medical professionals – most of whom volunteer their time – will finally head to Chitsungo, Zimbabwe, to serve a community called the Lemba. These are Jews who, according to their oral history, migrated to Africa from Israel about 2,500 years ago!

They’ll host a 5-day Medical Clinic for thousands of impoverished Jewish people and their neighbors in this remote village in the northern part of the country.

I say “finally” because we’d planned to go in July. But the trip had to be cancelled due to heavy rains and washed-out roads that cut off our access to thousands of people in need of healing and hope.

While we care for everyone who comes to us, we’re especially called to minister to Jewish people in remote parts of the world, many of whom are descended from the Nation of Israel that was scattered.

We call them “Lost Tribes” – pockets of Jewish people who often live in poverty and isolation. Because of their ancient Jewish customs, they often are rejected and isolated – and in some places persecuted by the surrounding cultures.

And almost always, they struggle with a lack of access to even the most basic services, like medical care.

So much suffering! Won’t you help?

While it’s painful to me and our team to see the depth of suffering and need these people experience every day, I’m convinced our work in Chitsungo can have a dramatic lasting impact – both physically and spiritually.

But I need you to stand with me and other Jewish Voice partners to ensure that these impoverished people get the help they need.

Will you join me by sending the most generous gift you can to care for these struggling, isolated Jewish people?

Each $30 you send right now will provide them:

  • Medical care, surgeries and emergency treatment
  • Dental and eye care
  • An opportunity to hear the Good News of Jesus, their Messiah

Through your gift today, you’ll be the hands, feet and heart of Yeshua (Jesus) to these desperate people. Just as the Lord healed so many, you now can help these precious people find healing and hope.

The average cost of care for one person at a Jewish Voice Medical Clinic is only $30. But right now, your gift will accomplish even more to help the Lemba people of Chitsungo, Zimbabwe. Here’s how …

DOUBLE your gift. Reach TWICE as many Jewish people!

Right now, a $400,000 Matching Grant provided by some generous partners of Jewish Voice will DOUBLE any gift received by November 30.

That means when you give by that date, your gift effectively will be matched dollar for dollar. You can bring physical healing to TWICE as many Jewish people in Zimbabwe.

But most important, as we gain the trust of those we serve, we’ll have the opportunity to share with them the motivation behind our care: our faith in Jesus, the One who died for them and wants them to receive the gift of eternal life.

And that’s what we – and YOU – want to do above all else. These Jewish men, women and children will see that our kindness comes from an earnest faith that compels us to reach out with compassion in the name of Jesus, the Messiah.

During our recent Medical Outreach – in Buhera, Zimbabwe, just a few months ago – we were able to treat 9,610 patients. An amazing 315 of them accepted Yeshua as Messiah for the first time!

Miracles still happen today. God can work among His people through you!

Our experience with a woman named Memory is just one example of how your gift can transform lives.

Memory, who is about 44 years old, was brought to the Clinic on a stretcher by her sister. She was suffering from a variety of serious medical problems, including near total paralysis that kept her from walking or talking.

After being examined by our medical team, we prayed in faith for her healing. In a miraculous display of His limitless power, the Messiah healed her body.

Memory stood up … she walked … and talked! She was so happy, she asked our counselors to guide her in a prayer of salvation. Her sister, who witnessed her healing, also prayed to receive Jesus.

Word of the miracle – and you can’t call it anything but that – spread quickly, prompting several members of the local medical team working with us to come to faith too. Soon, the news had spread community-wide!

This is the kind of impact you can have when your financial support is multiplied by the $400,000 Matching Grant I mentioned earlier.

Miraculous results like these will be possible, but only through your generosity. And with the Chitsungo Clinic coming quickly, your gift is urgently needed.

Through your generous gift today – doubled by the $400,000 Matching Grant – you’ll bring healing in the form of medical, dental and eye care to those in desperate need.

What’s more, as you help us address physical suffering, many people will be moved to open up to the message of God’s love we’ve come to share.

Your gift of $30 will go TWICE as far, providing care for two people. $90 will care for six people. And $150 will care for 10 people!

The more generous you can be, the more people you’ll reach with real help, and also hope through an introduction to their promised Messiah and Savior, Jesus.

As my way of saying thank you for your support today, I’d like to send you a special gift in appreciation for your partnership in this important outreach.

For a gift of any size, I’ll send you a boxed set of 12 Light of the World Holiday Note Cards. Featuring Isaiah 9:2 on the front, they’ll help you share the true light of Yeshua during the coming holidays.

If you can give $40 or more, you’ll receive the note cards, plus the photo book Comfort, O Comfort My People, which chronicles our outreach to the Beta Israel of Ethiopia, and the 2018 Jewish Voice Ministries Calendar.

And if you can give at least $100 now, I’ll send you – along with the gifts above – a lovely Chanukiah, just in time for the Chanukah season. The brochure I’ve enclosed for you gives more detail on these gifts.

Won’t you please send your most generous gift possible right now to provide both physical and spiritual care to the Jewish people of Zimbabwe? Thank you!


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