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You have a special opportunity to share the Gospel

October 25, 2021

God is always faithful. I can say that with faith and confidence — even after the adversities we’ve faced these last 18 months.

As you know, the pandemic created many challenges for our ministry over this past year and a half — especially in Africa. But COVID-19 doesn’t stop our God! During this time, He has opened up new opportunities to meet needs, offer encouragement and share the Good News with Jewish communities.

A recent trip to Zimbabwe is a perfect example of this. We typically hold Outreaches that provide medical care, but due to COVID-19 restrictions, our focus changed.

God opened the door for our Jewish Voice team to spend 11 days traveling throughout the country — encouraging, praying and ministering with local Messianic Jewish congregations we partner with. Many of the people within these congregations — and in the surrounding communities — are Lemba, a tribe of African Jewish people who are members of the “Lost Tribes of Israel.”

God blessed our time together as we served numerous communities with much-needed food items and spiritual encouragement! Our team shared with me that they experienced such joy as they worshipped side by side with these Messianic Jewish Believers.

Despite their country’s economic instability, political turmoil and health challenges due to the pandemic, these Believers rejoice because of their love for Jesus, their Messiah.

Jewish Voice has helped establish over 150 Messianic Jewish congregations in Zimbabwe and Ethiopia, thanks to the help of partners like you. These groups of Jewish Believers meet regularly and help meet the needs of their communities — while they share their faith in Jesus.

I’m writing to ask for your continued prayers and a financial gift to support this life-changing work with Messianic Jewish congregations in Africa.


Here is what one of our staff members shared about the recent Outreach in Zimbabwe:

“This was an incredible Outreach! Our team was able to pray for and encourage so many of our Lemba brothers and sisters, while distributing essential food items and LifeStraw family filters in this most challenging time. Please join us in prayer as we seek the Lord on how to continue to strengthen the many congregations.”

Please give today. Together, through the congregations in-country, we’re able to meet physical and spiritual needs. And while we’ve seen incredible success and lives transformed, we must do more!

When you partner with Jewish Voice, you’ll provide real encouragement and practical help to the congregations we helped establish in Ethiopia, Zimbabwe and elsewhere as they minister in their communities. Your gift will help equip these congregations to meet spiritual needs — from encouraging Messianic Jewish Believers to grow in their faith to introducing people to Yeshua
(Jesus) as their Messiah.

And when you send a gift today of any amount, we want to send you our 12 Tribes of Israel Bracelet. It is my hope that it will remind you to pray for the Lemba people and the work God is doing among these congregations. I also hope it will remind you of the important difference you are making through your support.

If you’re able to give $50 or more, in addition to the 12 Tribes of Israel Bracelet, we’ll send you our exclusive JVMI Boxed Notecards. You’ll receive 18 cards, three each of six different beautiful photos taken at our Outreaches and Festivals.

As we enter this season of thanksgiving, please prayerfully consider how you can be a blessing to fellow Messianic Jewish Believers in Ethiopia and Zimbabwe through your giving. Thank you.

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