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2016: A Year of Deepening

February 25, 2016

Feb_2-Prayer-Points-Banner1 2016: A Year of Deepening  

Recently, Jonathan Bernis shared what the Lord has put on his heart for 2016 with the Jewish Voice Ministries staff. He entitled his message to us, “2016: A Year of Deepening” and led us through seven key areas in which he believes the Lord is calling us to go deeper during these chaotic times in the world.

At the top of the list was “Deepening Our Prayer.” We realize that nothing we do will have eternal impact without the grace of the Lord upon it, the grace and favor that only comes through prayer. Will you join with us as we seek to deepen our prayer?

Please pray for:

  • A growing desire and capacity to hear from the Lord through His Word and His Spirit – the listening side of prayer.
  • Increased accuracy in hitting the mark through strategic prayer and intercession that moves mountains and obtains breakthrough before, during, and after each trip in each outreach location.
  • Discernment as to how, through prayer, to combat spiritual forces of darkness in each region using wisdom and proper spiritual protocol. We want to see salvations, healing, and deliverance!
  • Specific prayer strategies in each area: During our outreach to Tach Gayint, Ethiopia, a few weeks ago, our prayer room was closed down. That had never happened before! The people could no longer come in for prayer, so we took prayer to the people. As a result, a whole village heard the Good News and was saved!



  • Growth in numbers and fervency of our local onsite prayer partners who pray individually and also come together for weekly and monthly prayer groups at our headquarters. Lord, send us more of these dedicated intercessors!
  • Around-the-clock intercession for each of our outreaches. We know that the many hours of intercession by you, our faithful prayer partners, during our Tach Gayint outreach made an incredible, tangible difference. We really don’t know how we would have carried out such an intense outreach without your extensive spiritual covering through prayer.
  • The establishment of increased worship and intercession both at our ministry headquarters, and during our outreaches and festivals. This creates a spiritual beachhead in each area, shifting the atmosphere into a realm where faith increases and miracles happen as the Lord is sought and glorified.

Would you like to help deepen prayer for our upcoming medical outreach in Mberengwa, Zimbabwe? Sign up now to be part of our around-the-clock prayer team. We cannot express the spiritual difference you are making as together we go deeper in prayer!


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