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Because of Your Prayers

March 10, 2016

Mar_1-Prayer-Points-Banner2   Because of Your Prayers... At Jewish Voice Ministries, we are always coming or going or both! The first of our 2016 medical outreaches is behind us, the second in Mberengwa, Zimbabwe, is coming in April, and we have four more to follow later this year. Because of your prayers, we feel as if we take you with us everywhere we go. Here are some updates and requests to keep you in the loop.

Everyone has arrived home safely from our Tach Gayint, Ethiopia, medical outreach, and we have received word that the wonderful Bete Israel people that we went to serve are also safe and sound. Your prayers were powerful while we were there and, we are asking for continued prayers for new believers as they grow. Please pray for:

  • Those who received Yeshua to become strong in their faith and active in telling others the Good News.
  • Them to grow strong in the Word and in knowing and following Yeshua through the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit).
  • Protection for them and those who are guiding them in their new life in Yeshua and helping to develop their congregation.
  • The whole region to continue to recognize and be transformed by the goodness of God and the truth of His Good News.




We also appreciate your prayers for our upcoming outreach in Mberengwa, Zimbabwe, April 7-17 where we will be ministering to the Lemba, who clearly have ties to the ancient people of Israel, particularly the Levites. Over the last several years, many Lemba have come to Yeshua, and dozens of congregations have been established in Zimbabwe. Pray for us and the people we are going to minister to. Please pray for:

  • The medical credentials process for our outreach partners to go smoothly and be completed in time.
  • Prepared soil for the seeds of salvation to go deep and produce much fruit.
  • The Lemba to not only be saved, but reconnected with their priestly identity in the body of Messiah!
  • The Lord’s hand to be on today’s new Believers in order to raise them up into tomorrow’s leaders and disciple makers.

Lord, we praise You for all You are doing as we minister around the world, and for how diligently You watch over our comings and goings. Thank You for our wonderful prayer partners who love You so much and are faithful to keep up with our travels, covering us and those we are reaching out to in prayer. We bless them in the Name of Yeshua with Psalm 121:8: “The LORD will watch over your coming and your going from this time forth and forevermore.” Amen.




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