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Bringing Jewish children into the Kingdom - thanks to your partnership!

January 25, 2018

Bringing Jewish children into the Kingdom – thanks to your partnership!

For communities in need, your gifts provide attention-grabbing activities that teach children about Yeshua (Jesus) while their parents are treated at our Medical Clinics.

Jesus made it very clear that He has a special love for children. In Matthew 19:14, He said:

“Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

Jewish Voice Ministries has taken these words to heart. That’s why we launched a new children’s ministry as part of our Medical Outreach Clinics in Africa.

Called Zehra Kids Program (Zehra is Hebrew for “seed”), the ministry was first conceived as something for children to do while their parents waited for care. But we quickly saw how enthusiastic the kids were to hear more about Jesus. Zehra Kids is now a key part of our Jewish Voice Medical Outreaches.

After receiving treatment at our Clinics, adults are invited to visit the Counseling and Prayer Tent, where we pray for them and share the Good News of Yeshua. Meanwhile, the children can join in songs, games and Bible teaching.

Memory is just one of the children who participated in the fun at our Medical Clinic in Buhera, Zimbabwe. After the kids met, she went – on her own – to the prayer tent, where she received Jesus!

This precious little girl walked out of the tent beaming with joy. She wanted to tell everyone about her new faith! Memory came back to Zehra Kids Program every day that week, wanting to talk more about her salvation.

In all, more than 1,500 children like Memory have participated in Zehra Kids.

Thanks to your support, this ministry will only continue to grow, as more kids experience the promise of redemption and new hope in Jesus.

Share HELP and HOPE with Jewish people!

With your gift today, you can provide Jewish people and their neighbors in great need with humanitarian aid – including clean water and medical, dental and eye care. You’ll open the door to better health, and even save lives.

But your gift will accomplish so much more.

With each interaction between our ministry teams and outreach partners, your gift will also provide the opportunity to share the Gospel of Yeshua (Jesus).

So many of the people we meet at our medical, dental and eye clinics have lost hope. They see no reason to believe that their lives can improve. But that’s when the transforming hope of faith in Yeshua means the most.

Please give now to share both help AND hope!

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