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A Clear Threat Against Israel is Heard

October 05, 2016

In the Aftermath of A Dangerous Coup, A Clear Threat Against Israel is Heard  You’re probably aware of the recent troubling news coming out of the Republic of Turkey.

Turkey sits at the crossroads of Europe and the Middle East; it has historically been a secular, modern nation with a majority Muslim population. It has a formidable military, and it sits only a few hundred miles due north of Israel.

Normally, I would not write to you in my monthly letters about events in this nation.But anti-Semitism is growing in Turkey as Islamic fundamentalism grows. And a violent coup has unmasked anti-Israel motives, so I must make you aware.

My weekly emails focusing on events in the Middle East have been warning about Turkey’s steady drift away from secular government, democracy, and human rights and toward Islamic fundamentalism.

Under the increasingly authoritarian rule of President Recep Erdoğan, that drift accelerated alarmingly a few months ago in the aftermath of a failed coup.

President Erdoğan called the coup attempt “a gift from God” because it provided the perfect justification for purging Turkey’s major institutions — the military, government agencies, the judiciary, the media, and academia — of enemies and political opponents.

Tens of thousands have been suspended or arrested as Erdoğan tightens an iron grip on a nation seemingly headed toward dictatorship.

Here at Jewish Voice, we’re monitoring these developments closely for three reasons:

  1. God has called us to educate Believers regarding such developments. This upheaval threatens not only the people of Turkey, but also Israel — Jews and Christians alike.
  2. A key part of our mission is combating anti-Semitism and praying against the ancient demonic hatred of the Jewish people that is once again on the rise.
  3. As persecution in Turkey reaches a boiling point, we must be ready to share the light and love of Yeshua (Jesus) with the people through our prayers and actions.

Here’s what I’m asking you to do today, for the sake of our global Jewish family, for Believers, and for the millions of non-Believers trapped in a developing Turkish dictatorship now:

Pray for the People of Turkey

The Islamification of Turkey’s government has immediate impact on more than 17,000 Jews in Turkey and more than 75,000 Turkish Jews in Israel.

Anti-Semitism is deeply rooted in Erdoğan’s ruling party. Turkish media now routinely broadcasts anti-Semitic diatribes and incitement.

Turkey is no longer the tolerant, multi-religious republic it once was. For Turkey’s Jews, the situation is becoming alarming.

Pray for the Security of Israel

As you do, know that the Turkish government maintains a growing influence over Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

As early as 1949 Turkey was counted among the allies of Israel, but under Erdoğan,Turkey transformed into a principle provider of aid and support to the Palestinian cause in Gaza.

More ominously, the leadership of the terrorist organization Hamas increasingly looks at Turkey as its principal benefactor and champion.

Watch the Signs of the Times with Us

Biblical prophecy points clearly to a time in the Last Days in which a large coalition of nations will gather against Israel.

For example, Ezekiel chapter 38 certainly seems to reference several biblical nations currently encompassed wholly or partially within modern Turkey as participating in an effort to attack Israel.

As I am writing this letter, I believe this turmoil I see in Turkey is one of many signs that the Day of the Lord is quickly approaching.

At this time of year, with the Fall Feasts before us, it is important to reflect not only on Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish Spiritual New Year), Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement and holiest day of the year), and Sukkot (the Feast of Tabernacles or, more accurately, “Booths”), but also on these signs in our current day that prophetically point to Yeshua’s return . . .

Events in the Middle East, as well as our celebration of the Feasts, point to an end-times signal to all nations.

We must . . .

  • Encourage support for Israel
  • Fight anti-Semitism
  • Teach Believers about the Jewish roots of the faith
  • And, most importantly, reach Jewish people with the Good News of their Messiah, Yeshua

This is only possible with the support of faithful friends like you. Your help has never been more important, and time is short.

That’s why I am asking you to make a special gift in support of Jewish Voice today.

My team has set aside some timely resources to send to you as expressions of our thanks.

Join us in standing for Israel and for the Jewish people with any gift of support right now, and we’ll rush you my DVD presentation titled Celebrating Rosh Hashanah–Yom Teruah.

Furthermore, we have a whole collection of illuminating resources for you as our special “thank you” if you’re able to share a gift of $100 or more.

The Feasts of Israel Bundle includes our brand-new 2017 Jewish Voice calendar featuring striking photography and information concerning next year’s Jewish Feasts and holidays.

Finally, if God has blessed you with the means to share a gift of $275 or more today, we’d love to send you a new special edition of the Torah.

This collectible new book is beautifully rendered with color engravings and decorative motifs. Inside, the original Hebrew text of the five books of Moses is presented side by side with the English translation.

Now, More Than Ever, Support is Important

Threatening news from Turkey is in contrast to the hope we feel during the Fall Feasts, and in these times we must never grow weary in sharing God’s love with the nations. I’m counting on your support today as we step up our efforts to reach as many as possible with the truth while time remains.

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