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The Difference – Giving Tuesday

November 17, 2017

What comes after Thanksgiving Thursday? The two busiest shopping days of the year: Black Friday and Cyber Monday. But the next day has been designated as Giving Tuesday, an opportunity to reset our hearts toward helping others in need.

Giving Tuesday is one day set aside for charitable giving to worthy causes. In a way, it is a partner to Thanksgiving, bookending the shopping frenzy.

This Giving Tuesday, we want to remind you what your gift will accomplish when you give to Jewish Voice Ministries International (JVMI).

Jewish Voice Medical Outreaches help communities of Jewish people in Africa who endure poverty, lack of access to basic medical care and safe drinking water, and sometimes open persecution. Medical professionals provide no-cost medical care while other Outreach Partners distribute water purifiers and teach patients how to use them to help prevent disease.

Those visiting the Clinics also have an opportunity to talk with trained volunteers who offer compassionate prayer and spiritual care. On average, 10,000 Jewish people and their neighbors are served at each week-long Jewish Voice Medical Clinic. The impact is tremendous and, when you give to Jewish Voice, you’re an integral part of it all.

Through your gift to Jewish Voice:

  • You bring a sigh of relief to an anxious mom as her child receives care for a life-threatening illness.

  • You put a smile on the face of a patient with cataracts when the bandage is removed and he realizes he can see again.

  • You give hope for a life without chronic illness caused by unsafe drinking water and poor hygiene practices.

  • You help turn a community’s attitude toward its Jewish members from hatred, superstition and persecution to seeing them as a source of blessing.

  • You share the Good News of Yeshua (Jesus) with people who don’t yet know Him, and help them understand that He is their long-awaited Messiah.

Each Jewish Voice Medical Outreach touches thousands of individual lives. When you give to Jewish Voice, you share in the hope and healing, and you are delivering the Good News.

Giving Tuesday – don’t let the day go by without making a significant difference to those who need it most.

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