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Divine Appointments in Dawro, Ethiopia!

November 02, 2020
Prayer Points

We are so glad that you will be praying with us for our first Outreach this year since February! So much has happened in our nation, our world, and in the nation of Ethiopia since then. It has all served to underscore the importance for us as Believers to have an eternal, Kingdom mindset, and to do all we can to partner with the Lord and invest in His eternal plans. You are partnering through prayer in a critical time for Ethiopia and the Jewish people! 

In terms of Jewish Voice’s work in Ethiopia, this Outreach will be in a new region – the Southern Nations region, and to a new people, group, the Dawro. We deeply desire to not only bring them medical care, but to share the Good News of Yeshua! The Lord has gone before us, even orchestrating a positive meeting between a regional official, one of our Global Outreach team leaders, and another gentleman. They all discovered that they each previously had experience on a Jewish Voice Ministries Outreach at some point in years past! This brought great unity and understanding as to why we are coming and how we want to bless the community. One of the men told us he has been praying for us to come to this new region ever since that Outreach about 10 years ago. What an encouragement regarding the power of prayer and how the Lord prepares the way! 

So please read on and pray with us daily. In fact, you can sign up here for a prayer slot to be part of our ‘round the clock prayer covering. Please pray for: 

Wednesday, November 4 – Joshua 1:9 

  • The Lord’s protection throughout the entire Outreach trip in all areas in which we will be traveling and ministering, as well as over all participants, equipment and belongings; and for all shipments and other necessary items to arrive on time and in good condition 

  • Safe travels, health and protection for our team members during the arduous 2-day trip from Addis Ababa to Dawro today and Thursday, as well as good rest and sleep for everyone upon arrival 

  • Mild weather throughout the week as it is possible it could be quite warm, which would especially affect those waiting in lines and the medical professionals working in the confines of the clinic  

Thursday, November 5 – Matthew 24:44 

  • The clinic site to be well prepared and ready for the thousands we hope to serve 

  • Favor and wisdom in all decisions and work to be done, ensuring that when the clinic opens on Sunday, everything will operate smoothly and safely 

  • Ongoing favor, permissions and supportive good will from all necessary local and regional authorities and the community members as well 

Friday, November 6 – Romans 9:17 

  • Safe travels and protection for our in-country medical and dental professionals who are making the difficult 2-day trip from Addis Ababa to Dawro today through Saturday 

  • A great meeting tomorrow, Saturday, between our team members, the Messianic Congregational leader, and local community elders. Pray that God’s peace, grace and love would overflow, they would see the Messiah in us and be personally convicted of His call to them 

  • The Lord to prepare the region and spiritual atmosphere for effective ministry and the sharing of the Good News 

Saturday, November 7 – Psalm 133:1-3 

  • Great unity, peace, wisdom and discernment for us all, including the Bete Kidane Messianic Believers with whom we will be ministering, that we might serve during the clinic from a place of shalom and rest 

  • The kingdom of darkness to be pushed back and the Kingdom of light to advance, preparing the way for healing, miracles, salvation and deliverance! 

  • Our team to be given great strength, insight and foresight all week long from the Holy Spirit, enabling us to walk in the Spirit in love, power and effectiveness 

Sunday, November 8 – Isaiah 43:18-19 

  • Wisdom in hiring local workers with integrity and who will faithfully serve the purposes of the Outreach 

  • A great start Sunday with shalom and order in the lines and clinic for as many as possible to be served and ministered to in the Name of Yeshua  

  • That the Lord will protect us from every disease, including Covid-19, as we travel and minister even while cases are increasing in Ethiopia 

Monday, November 9 – 2 Thessalonians 3:1-3 

  • Blessing and salvation for the Jewish people who have been marginalized, persecuted – literally and physically pushed to the margins and outskirts of the community 

  • Our spiritual care team on this trip, consisting of Believers from the southern Ethiopian Messianic Congregation who had this region on their hearts and recommended it to us as an Outreach location 

  • Unity, anointing, safety and effectiveness for our spiritual care team as some of them go into the Jewish community and villages; and others as they stay near the medical clinic location to minister 

  • Safety and wisdom as we transport people from the Jewish community on the outskirts of Dawro to the medical clinic and back each day for treatment 

  • Boldness to proclaim the Good News and to be protected from evil 

Tuesday, November 10 – Acts 5:14 

  • An outpouring of blessing, shalom and unity upon the Messianic Congregation with which we are partnering  

  • Peace and protection for their families as they are away from home ministering with us during the Outreach; please pray for that for our own staff members’ families as well, at home during an unsettled time in our own nation 

  • God’s help for the Messianic Congregational leaders as they seek to identify, encourage and equip leaders among the Dawro community of Jewish Believers as they begin gathering, first perhaps in home fellowships and eventually congregations 

Wednesday, November 11 – Psalm 138:8  

  • That the Messianic Congregational elders will also be able to effectively follow up with those who come to know Yeshua as a result of the Outreach 

  • Good rest and stamina for all as the Outreach moves towards the last day 

  • Favor and clear understanding as to what the immigration requirements will be for our staff team members who will be coming from either Ethiopia or the U.S. in order to minister the following week in Zimbabwe (watch for next week’s Prayer Points email for further information on that) 

Thursday, November 12 – Psalm 121:8 

  • The ability to see as many as possible on this last day, and safety and protection in closing the clinic, packing up, and paying local workers 

  • Leaving a blessing in the community as we go that will pave the way for further ministry and Kingdom growth! 

  • Journeying mercies traveling back to Addis Ababa and other areas of Ethiopia as well as home to the U.S. for some staff team members, or on to Zimbabwe for others 

Even though this Outreach will have a smaller team and we expect to see fewer people, there are just as many logistics and hoped for outcomes for which to intercede! We thank you so much for your partnership in prayer for the Dawro community and the Jewish people in it. 

Let’s pray: Lord, we are humbled, blessed and expectant regarding the opportunity for this Outreach. We want to see the Dawro people as You see them and minister to them by the love and power of your Holy Spirit. May many come to know You, as well as their neighbors. Please pave the way with your provision, protection and anointing and lead us every step of the way, for Your Name’s sake. Amen. 

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