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God is Calling us Back to Gutu

May 19, 2016

We first visited Gutu in 2014, and it was there that we passed an exciting milestone in our ten years of medical outreaches. In Gutu, we treated our 250,000th patient since we began providing free medical and dental care to “Lost Tribes” of Jewish People around the world. But the work there isn’t done. God is calling us back to Gutu for our 3rd trip July 21 – August 1, 2016. We desperately need your continued support and prayer before and during this outreach.

Gutu is an impoverished area that urgently needs our help. This was evident when we were there last year and over 10,000 individual lives that witnessed the love of Yeshua through the compassion of strangers who came from across the world to help them in His name. We’re seeing incredible growth and new beginnings in Gutu. Eight babies, including one set of twins, were delivered during our last outreach by our outreach partner and OB/GYN, Dr. Emmanuella Cherisme.

Because of your support of this important outreach, lives are being transformed!


The staff of the rural hospital which formed the base of our clinic said they don’t see that many births in a month! The head nurse in charge said, “It must be your group! You brought the anointing with you!” But the most exciting report is over 4,000 people visited the prayer room, and 2,156 of them prayed to receive Yeshua as their Messiah! Praise God! Thank you so much for continuing to stand with JVMI. Through your prayers and financial gifts, together we’re touching lives in some of the most remote parts of the world. You are truly being His voice to the nations.

We are so grateful He has placed it on your heart to stand with Jewish Voice through your prayers and partnership!


We’ve heard some people call our outreaches “medical missions,” but that’s just where it begins. Our medical outreaches minister to an individual person, a community, and even a nation. The work taking place in Gutu can only be attributed to the Lord and His work through us. And please remember to continue praying for the patients and families we will be ministering to in Gutu. Outreaches and medical missions bring physical restoration to thousands, but their spiritual needs don’t end when we return home. Please pray for lasting spiritual fruit in these precious lives.

The need in Gutu is great, but with your help, we will continue to go there and bring the hope and healing message of Yeshua to the lost and hurting.


Read the full issue of this month’s Jewish Voice Today magazine and learn more about the ancient roots of modern anti-Semitism, the end times and events regarding and surrounding Israel.


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