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Insider's Insights: Will This Lead to a Nuclear Iran?

July 16, 2015

  Insiders-banner.jpg Will This Lead to a Nuclear Iran?

Israel’s ambassador to the United States called it “a disaster” and characterized it as “a jackpot for the Ayatollah regime.” William Kristol of The Weekly Standard called it “a deal worse than we imagined possible.”

They’re talking about the nuclear deal with Iran announced with great fanfare by the Obama Administration on Tuesday of this week. It means the phased removal of almost all economic sanctions on Iran.

Commentary magazine’s John Podhoretz wrote:

“The United States and its allies have struck a deal with Iran that effectively ensures that it will be a nuclear state with ballistic missiles in 10 years, assuming Iran adheres to the deal’s terms, which is a very large assumption.”

These are volatile, dangerous times for Israel.

william-kristol.jpg Founder & Editor of The Weekly Standard, William Kristol   Kristol echoed that grim assessment: “It's a deal that gives the Iranian regime $140b in return for ... effectively nothing: no dismantlement of Iran's nuclear program, no anytime/anywhere inspections, no curbs on Iran's ballistic missile program, no maintenance of the arms embargo, no halt to Iran's sponsorship of terror.”

Not only does this deal make the world a far more dangerous place in the medium to long run by giving Iran a pathway to nuclear weapons, it makes it much more dangerous for Israel and America’s other Middle East allies in the short run. With the global sanctions upon Iran lifted, that nation will have much more money and resources to cause trouble for Israel and to damage U.S. interests in the region.

This deal also pushes Iran’s main rival in the region, Saudi Arabia, toward acquiring nuclear capabilities of their own.

Clearly, these are volatile, dangerous times for Israel and for the world.

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