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Israel and the Iran Nuclear Deal

July 17, 2015

Iran Flag The flag of Iran. The fringe of the center white stripe is made of Arabic text repeating "god is great."

“The world is a much more dangerous place today than it was yesterday.” These were the opening words of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in his statement Tuesday on the Iran nuclear deal that was reached between the powerful Arab nation and six other countries, including the United States on July 14 (Times of Israel).

Difference of opinion

President Obama declared that thanks to the deal, “every pathway to a nuclear weapon is cut off” for Iran ( Time).  Netanyahu disagrees. The Jerusalem Post reports Netanyahu as having told President Obama that the deal ensures a nuclear Iran in 10-15 years; that is, if Iran doesn’t cheat and achieves nuclear weapons sooner. The Prime Minister also pointed out that the deal’s sanctions relief allows Iran access to hundreds of billions of dollars to fund Iran’s “terror and war machine that threatens Israel and the entire world.”

Netanyahu: Israel will defend itself

“Israel is not bound by this deal with Iran,” Netanyahu told reporters, “because Iran continues to seek our destruction. We will always defend ourselves,” ( Times of Israel).

The 150-plus page deal raises several concerns for Israel. One issue is that it has replaced an anywhere/anytime inspection policy with one that is “where necessary, when necessary,” in President Obama’s words (Times of Israel). If officials want to inspect an Iranian nuclear facility, they must warn Iranian officials and allow them at least two weeks to respond – arguably more than enough time to cover evidence of violations.

Weak inspections procedure

Further, in an attempt to treat Iran as a sovereign nation, the agreement grants them a surprising amount of latitude if the United Nations suspects them of cheating. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) will present their concerns, with the reason, to Iran and request clarification on the issue.  If Iran’s explanation is not satisfactory, the IAEA “may request access to such locations,” providing in writing reasons for the desired access.  Iran has the right to appeal this request and propose an alternative resolution to the IAEA’s concerns. If questions remain, another layer of exchange could lead to a vote among the P5+1 and Iran regarding “how to resolve the crisis” ( Times of Israel).

The time it would take to accomplish this diplomatic process allows Iran ample time to cover tracks of any breaches and secretive nuclear activity intended for military use. Iran’s record of deceit and commitment to Israel’s annihilation makes this concession a very grave one in the eyes of Israel.

An historic mistake

“The bottom line of this very bad deal,” stated Netanyahu at the conclusion of his Tuesday statement, “is exactly what Iran’s President Rouhani said today: ‘The international community is removing the sanctions and Iran is keeping its nuclear program’ ( Times of Israel).

“By not dismantling Iran’s nuclear program,” the Prime Minister continued, “in a decade, this deal will give an unreformed, unrepentant, and far richer terrorist regime the capacity to produce many nuclear bombs, in fact, an entire nuclear arsenal with the means to deliver it. What a stunning historic mistake!” (Times of Israel)


Please keep Israel in your prayers as they face a new phase with an old enemy who continuously calls for the destruction of Israel. With sanctions relief, Iran will be able to fund even more terrorism and war against Israel from both within and outside Israel’s borders. Please pray for wisdom for Israel’s leaders, for unity among them, and peace within its borders. Pray also that the eternal peace of Yeshua will come to reside in Israeli hearts through faith in Him.

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