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Israel prepares for war with Iran

December 17, 2021

ADONAI is my Shepherd, I shall not want..” 
Psalm 23:1 TLV

Shalom, my friend.

As tensions continue to increase, as the rumors of war move ever closer to reality . . . we may feel the tension of uncertainty and the fear of the unknown.

But we have hope.

We have hope that we’ll never be alone, that we’ll never lack, that we’ll never be left to the mercy of our struggles and difficulties, that we’ll never be without a shepherd – The Shepherd.

The Shepherd who is watching, waiting, leading and guiding. That’s the promise from the Scriptures for you today.

That’s why it’s to Him that we turn to now and ask for His protective presence to be upon all of us – and upon His Chosen People. Please join with us in praying for peace and the safety of Israel and the Jewish people.

Thank you for standing with us. And for your love of God’s people. 


The Jerusalem Post reported earlier this week that Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and United Arab Emirates (UAE) leader Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan (MBZ) met earlier this week on Monday in Abu Dhabi.

This historic meeting marks them as the first leaders of their respective countries to meet. And as reported, Prime Minister Bennett is very optimistic that the UAE-Israel relationship, established in August 2020 as the Abraham Accords, will set an example that will be followed throughout the region.

According to The Jerusalem Post, Prime Minister Bennett told reporters, “We held deep, honest and significant conversations. We spoke about the relative strengths of the two countries, and our goal is to broaden the connection so that there will not only be peace between leaders but peace between peoples.”

Bennett’s visit comes as world powers continue negotiations in Vienna with Iran over its nuclear program, and Israel fears the U.S. will lift sanctions without exacting major concessions from Tehran.

Meanwhile, according to The Jerusalem Post, Abu Dhabi has taken steps toward warming relations with its neighbor Iran, including an invitation to Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi to visit the UAE and meet with MBZ. Last week, Emirati National Security Adviser Sheikh Tahnoon bin Zayed met with Raisi in Tehran.


The Jerusalem Post reported that Defense Minister Benny Gantz met with Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Secretary of State Antony Blinken late last week.

As reported, the conversations focused mainly on Iran and its continued pursuit of nuclear capability. This meeting comes at a time when, reportedly, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have intensified planning for an attack against its arch enemy.

Last week, U.S. sources revealed that Austin and Gantz were expected to discuss joint military preparations. And that Gantz updated U.S. officials with a deadline for when the IDF will need to complete preparations for an attack against Iran.

According to the report from The Jerusalem Post, and confirmed by a senior diplomatic source, the U.S. officials did not voice opposition to the Israeli preparations when presented with the date by Gantz.

It’s no secret that the U.S. and Israel are increasingly at odds in their evaluation of the Iranian threat. Israeli officials continue to be deeply concerned that in the recently resumed negotiations in Vienna, Washington will seek an interim deal that will lift sanctions on Tehran while insufficiently restricting its nuclear program.

Gantz further told reporters following last week’s meetings that he thinks the fate of the negotiations in Vienna would be determined in the near future. “I think that in the coming weeks we will know where we stand,” Gantz said.


Please pray with me for:

  • God to move in the hearts of world leaders and the global threat of a nuclear Iran as Israel prepares for war
  • God’s protection to be upon His people in Israel who are constantly facing threats and violence from enemies who hate them
  • Peace in the hearts and minds of the people of Israel and their enemies
  • Jewish people to recognize Yeshua (Jesus) as their Messiah

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