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A Massive Anti-Israel Campaign Planned for Europe

November 11, 2016

A European organization dedicated to rallying support for Israel has announced it will confront what it anticipates will be a massive anti-Israel campaign across Europe in 2017. The group says it will counter the anti-Semitism with an initiative of its own.

Speaking in Tel Aviv recently, Corina Eichenberger-Walther, a member of the Swiss parliament, said she has “reliable information” confirming that an anti-Israel network is gathering momentum in Europe.

The goal, she said, is to malign Israel throughout 2017, which marks the 50th anniversary of the historic Six-Day War. You’ll recall that during the conflict, Israel Defense Forces managed an astonishing victory, capturing east Jerusalem, the West Bank, Gaza Strip, Sinai Peninsula, and Golan Heights.

Israel, Eichenberger-Walther predicts, will be accused of “having oppressed Palestine for 50 years and occupying it contrary to international law.” The nation will be painted as an unjust, lawless “apartheid state.”

A new pro-Israeli alliance in Europe

Eichenberger-Walther is chair of the European Alliance for Israel (EAI). The EAI website says it works to “strengthen the friendship between Israel and Europe, create greater understanding of Israel, and prevent and object to the de-legitimization of Israel.”

Founded in May 2015 — and claiming about 30,000 members in 23 countries — the EAI is comprised of mainly non-Jewish members who desire to show solidarity with Jewish communities in Europe.

Predicting that many international organizations and governments would support the anti-Israel network, the EAI is working on what Eichenberger-Walther calls a “friendship campaign” that will focus on creating greater understanding of Israel and highlighting its positive qualities in the fields of research, science, the environment, democracy, and security.

In a private Q & A session with journalists, Eichenberger-Walther admitted that the EAI had a way to go in order to counter the expected anti-Israel crusade. She says the defamation campaign is comprised not just of supporters of the growing boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement, but also humanitarian groups.

Eichenberger-Walther claims the anti-Israel movement has been raising funds for the campaign for over a year and is ready to launch next year. She adds that her group’s counter-campaign still lacked adequate funding.

What you and I can do

As anti-Semitism and anti-Israel sentiment grow internationally, but especially across Europe, it’s important for us to remember that God has a special plan for Israel. He has promised to protect the nation and its people. What’s more, He warns of dire consequences for those who even speak against His people:

My desire is to bless those who bless you, but whoever curses you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.

— Genesis 12:3 TLV

God’s desire for humanity is a unity of Believers. The apostle Paul describes His plan in Ephesians 3:6: “. . . the Gentiles are joint heirs and fellow members of the same body and co-sharers of the promise in Messiah (Yeshua) through the Good News.”

I ask you to join me in praying for safety for the Jewish people, as well as for a mighty rallying of support for Israel. And remember that when you partner with Jewish Voice Ministries financially, you stand with Israel and her people worldwide and acknowledge her role in God’s perfect plans — past, present, and future. Through your support, you help Jewish Voice to continue combatting anti-Semitism and correcting misinformation about Israel and the Jewish people.

For your gift of $75 or more today, we’d like to thank you by sending you the beautiful Peace Blessing Afghan. This woven throw includes the words of Psalm 122:6-7 – Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. May those who love you be at peace! As you are warmed under this lovely throw, you will be reminded of how your prayers for Israel and support of Jewish Voice are making a difference.

We are so grateful that you have chosen to partner with us in this work. Thank you. And God bless you.

To the Jew first and also to the Nations,


Jonathan Bernis Jewish Voice Ministries International



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