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Mberengwa 2019 Prayer Points

July 05, 2019

Prayer Points

Little did we know when we last ministered in Mberengwa, Zimbabwe, that, moving forward, we would see so much change, so many challenges and ongoing hardship come to this land of the Lemba people. We are grateful for all that the Lord did during that Clinic and in the nearly two years since. But we recognize that the needs there are growing. We’re returning soon to bring humanitarian aid and the Good News of Yeshua (Jesus) to the people of Mberengwa.

One constant need – and the most vital – among any people group in any nation is salvation through Yeshua. As we reach out to meet the physical needs of these dear people and their neighbors in Mberengwa, will you pray that the Lord will also meet their deep spiritual needs through divine encounters? May He move in salvation, healing, and deliverance.

Please use this prayer guide to intercede day by day for the many facets of our upcoming Mberengwa Medical Outreach. You can also sign up to cover a specific time slot in prayer. Ask your Bible study, prayer groups and home fellowship to join us as we pray daily over this divine appointment with the Lemba and their neighbors in Mberengwa, Zimbabwe.



Please pray day by day for:

Wednesday, July 10 – Wednesday, July 17 • Psalm 21:5

  • Wisdom and favor navigating the growing challenges in Zimbabwe due to an escalation of social issues and changes in currency
  • Safety and success for our team members and local partners preparing the way ahead of time at the Clinic and camping sites
  • Spiritual preparation for this Outreach through the prayers of our staff in the U.S., our Prayer Partners around the world, and the local congregational leaders and members in Mberengwa

Thursday, July 18 • Luke 10:2

  • Good health, energy and stamina for our Outreach Partners as they prepare and travel, as well as throughout the week
  • Their awareness that they are answers to our prayers for harvest workers
  • Prepared hearts that have said, "Hineni (hih-NAY-nee) – Here I am!" and operate together in unity and humility so that God will be glorified by the love His children show

Friday, July 19 • Deuteronomy 31:8

  • God to meet with people even as they travel, stirring their faith and understanding for how He desires to be with – and work through – them
  • Good flights, successful connections and safe travel in the air and on land for both passengers and luggage
  • A wonderful first evening of fellowship and celebrating Shabbat together

Saturday, July 20 • Psalm 23:3

  • Successful adjustments to camping accommodations, new types of food, and a new time zone
  • Smooth travel on the rugged rural roads – with no delays or breakdowns
  • Dry, pleasant weather with cloud cover as needed

Sunday, July 21 • Colossians 3:23

  • The Lord to attract local workers who will be honest, diligent and want to hear more about Yeshua
  • A clear morning orientation preparing everyone to immediately work efficiently together during the opening half-day of the Clinic this afternoon
  • All logistics to be in place so the lines and various departments flow smoothly
  • The Lord’s preparation of the people and region to have a hunger for encounters with Him all week long

Monday, July 22 • Psalm 144:1-9

  • Amazing morning worship and prayer times that invite the presence of the Lord and push back the darkness
  • Insight in prayer that stirs faith in the Lord and leads to victories over the enemy's schemes
  • Those under local influences such as witchcraft and Islam to see the amazing truth of Yeshua’s Good News and come from darkness into light

Tuesday, July 23 • Acts 1:8

  • Anointing on the Lemba worship choir as they lead us in praising the Lord all week
  • Excitement, energy and anointing for every team member to be used powerfully by the Lord as they serve, faithfully giving themselves away for others
  • The Lemba congregational leaders and Outreach prayer team ministering through prayer and sharing Yeshua and for many to visit the Prayer Tent and receive healing, deliverance and – most of all – salvation

Wednesday, July 24 • Acts 2:39

  • The Zehra Kids Program to minister to many, many children and impact their families with the love of Yeshua
  • A special grace upon the indigenous leaders God is raising up in this area
  • Effective training in the water education area where people receive LifeStraws®, learn how to use them, and find out about the dangers in contaminated water
  • Many opportunities and much freedom for our volunteer partners to treat people medically and care for them spiritually

Thursday, July 25 • Romans 15:7

  • The Lemba people to continue to receive Yeshua, be built up in their faith, and grow in walking out their priestly identity
  • Ongoing favor and excellent relationships with the Lemba leaders, both tribal and congregational
  • God’s help and grace upon the nation and people of Zimbabwe, and His Spirit moving with power through the Believers in the land, including the Lemba

Friday, July 26 • Psalm 118:5

  • The ability to end the week well and see as many patients as possible on this last, half-day of medical care
  • God to meet with and touch each person who comes for care. Whether or not we are able to treat them, we know God sees them
  • Safe tear-down of the Clinic and camping sites and a joyous Shabbat celebrating all the Lord has done

Saturday, July 27 • Philippians 2:1-2

  • A restful day of unwinding, enjoying time with the Lord and fun fellowship with each other as the team spends the morning in Zimbabwe’s capital city, Harare
  • Time for reflection on all God has done, and hearts prepared to give testimony of His goodness upon returning home

Sunday, July 28 • Galatians 6:9

  • Blessing and effectiveness for the local Lemba Believers, and the leaders who will reach out to those requesting a follow-up visit after the Outreach
  • A positive reception of the discipleship booklets that will be given out, that each recipient will understand and gladly embrace the material
  • Help for our team members who remain a few extra days as they tie up loose ends from the Outreach
  • Safe travel home and a peaceful, healthy, energized re-entry into everyday life

Let’s pray:

Father, since we were last in Mberengwa, babies have been born, people have died, and the Lemba and their neighbors have experienced new hardship. May our visit there bring fresh hope and real blessing. We are willing, but we cannot do this apart from You. Not by our might, not by our power, but by Your Spirit, Lord, would You reveal Yourself to the Lemba. In Yeshua’s name, Amen.

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