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Medical Missions: "My life has changed..."

June 23, 2015


Each year, dozens of outreach partners travel with Jewish Voice to countries like Zimbabwe and Ethiopia to minister the Gospel of Yeshua to scattered Jewish People in Africa.

When they return from volunteering on those trips, their lives are forever changed. Here's what some of our outreach partners had to say...

"Every time I go, another little piece of my heart stays behind…"

- Amber Z., outreach partner

"Many years ago my husband started serving with Jewish Voice Ministries in Ethiopia and India. I watched him go, I prayed for him…. I was too afraid to go with him. Then . . . I took my first trip to Ethiopia to serve some of the most precious people in the world. My life has changed, and my heart has changed. Now after seven trips I must say: OH MY!"

- Penny, outreach partner

"I will always remember praying with them watching their faces light up when they heard the Good News of the Lord Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus Messiah). Then when they confessed the Lord Yeshua and received Him into their hearts, there was a joy that filled the atmosphere."

- Paula S., outreach partner


We have two medical outreaches remaining this year, and we need you. Jewish Voice Ministries brings free medical and dental care to impoverished communities of scattered Jewish People in Africa.

These people simply do not have access to even the most basic care that, to us, is ordinary and simple.

To them, this care can mean the difference between:

· a wound growing dangerously infected or fully healing · blindness or restored eyesight for navigating their lives · chronic illness or strength to face the hardships of their poverty

And it often means the difference between life and death.

The ravages of poverty always affect the most vulnerable first, the children and the elderly. We need both medical and non-medical outreach partners to volunteer in bringing this life-saving medical care to these precious people.

You can make a life-long difference in their lives! In thousands of lives!

Answer the Call - Go!


Join us in Gutu, Zimbabwe or Gondar, Ethiopia!

Our outreaches do have a financial cost for travel, food and accommodations, but the cost for joining us on a JVMI outreach is a Kingdom investment in the healing and spiritual restoration of the Jewish People!

Will you answer the call?

Click below for more information


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*NEW! Group Departures for Gondar from Either East or West Coast!

We have great news for our West Coast outreach partners! The full package price for our Gondar outreach includes the cost of travel from either Los Angeles or Washington, DC. Just let us know your preferred departure city when you register. The choice is yours!

Answer the Call – Share!

Even if you can’t come with us, you can still have a major impact in the lives of needy people by sharing this information with your doctors, friends, and church.

We know that not everyone can answer the call to go on an outreach. But there’s also a call to share about these life-changing adventures so that others can go! Without enough medical professionals, we can’t bring healing to these dear people. Without our clinics, we’re also missing the vital opportunity to share the eternal life-saving hope of Yeshua.

Will you answer the call to help us spread the word? Click here for a short video and sharing tools!


Answer the Call – Send!

There’s a third way you can impact lives in the areas where we serve. Aside from the individual costs covered by each outreach partner for their own participation, these medical outreaches are an enormous expense.

Your contributions help send vital medication, medical supplies, and equipment into the field so that we can provide the physical and spiritual care these desperate people need. Answer the call to send!

Click here to contribute.


2014 FB 2014 Twitter 2014 Pinterest 2014 Instagram 2014 YouTube email_send_sending_emails_mail_letter_forward.png   Why not come with us on one of our upcoming outreaches?   You don’t have to be a medical professional   to be used on our medical missions! Check out our 2015 schedule of medical mission trips on the  Medical Outreaches  page of  our website . Pray, plan, and come along! There’s a vital role waiting for you on any of our JVMI medical missions!










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