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Medical Outreach Update: A Line for Every Need

July 28, 2016

Tuesday, July 26, 2016 – Clinic Day 3

This is the line of people waiting to receive medical treatment on Tuesday morning. Each of our medical outreach clinics has several departments. The Line Management teams organize lines based on the patients’ needs, whether dental, medical, eyeglasses, or medical needs for the eyes, such as surgery. There are lines for each need, and this is just the medical line. There are other lines around the clinic compound, and we’re hearing that there are more people waiting for treatment than our last time in Gutu.

Tuesday Morning Medical Line-072616-IMG_1907

This year, there are also locals that are selling a wide range of products from candy to their staple of sadza. Sadza is made with corn meal, and looks like mashed potatoes. The locals use it in the same way as the Ethiopians use enjera to grab their food to eat with their fingers.

Vendors at Lines Tues 072616

Please continue to pray for this medical outreach that has one more full day and one half day remaining. Please pray for efficiency so the most patients can be treated as possible, and for many to come to faith in Yeshua.

For a detailed list of daily prayer points for this Gutu, Zimbabwe outreach, click here. 


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