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Messianic Judaism – Is it OK for Gentiles to Celebrate the Jewish Feasts?

December 01, 2015

The biblical calendar was given to Israel to foster the perpetuated annual remembrance of God’s redemptive and loving actions toward His People. Israel is to recall God’s mighty acts in every generation in perpetuity. Messianic Judaism includes the celebration of the feasts, but what about Gentile Christians? Are they required to observe the Jewish feasts as well? Can they participate along with Messianic Jews?

While Messianic Jews continue to enjoy the meaningful celebrations of the Feasts of Israel, there is no requirement for Gentile Christians to observe the Jewish Feasts of Leviticus. However, these remembrances offer a significant opportunity to celebrate Yeshua’s fulfillment of them. Gentile Believers can be deeply blessed by learning about the biblical feasts and festivals as they are so instrumental to understanding God’s wondrous revelation of Himself. Many Gentile Believers have chosen to include Israel’s religious calendar in their own faith experience. They observe the Passover, the Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah), the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot), and many more of the feasts.

It is worth noting that many of the ancient observances of the Feasts are not in practice today in either Judaism or Messianic Judaism. For instance, there are no animal sacrifices for the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur), and the Feast of First Fruits does not include a literal offering of the first of a grain harvest to the Lord. Jewish People today have modern observances that commemorate the original instructions in the Tanakh (Old Testament). For a Gentile Christian, an observance of First Fruits can include Scripture readings, reflection and prayer regarding how Yeshua is our First Fruits (1 Corinthians 15:20-23), and how, as a sheaf of barley would be lifted up in offering, so Yeshua was lifted up on our behalf (John 12:32).

Messianic Judaism has a lot to offer Gentile Believers as it provides a deeper understanding of God and His faithfulness. As Believers in Yeshua, whether Messianic Jews or Gentiles, we have the blessed position of seeing Yeshua in the Feasts and honoring Him through them.

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