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New Revelations from Bible Lands Museum Exhibit

September 09, 2016

Why is a museum exhibit opening significant to both modern Jews and the worldwide Jewish diaspora?

Bible Lands Museum Jerusalem calls their new exhibit "In the Valley of David and Goliath," and it invites visitors to go back in history to the time of Israel's greatest King.

The exhibit opened to highlight 3,000 year-old artifacts from Khirbet Qeiyafa, which could be a biblically significant city mentioned in the story of the battle of David and Goliath.

One thing is for sure, these priceless finds affirm the existence of a Davidic city in the 11th Century BC.

Bible Lands Museum Jerusalem

The Elah Valley, where this particular historical dig resides, once divided the lands of the Israelites and the Philistines. Two inscriptions discovered there became instantly significant. They are written in the Canaanite script on a jar and a pottery fragment, and they may be the earliest known example of Hebrew writing.

The centimeter-high script retains some of the pictographic elements of the earliest Hebrew writing — the aleph has the horns of a bull, the bet looks like a house, and the ayin a staring eye. As recently as five years ago, there were no known Judean inscriptions from the period associated with King David; now there are four, including those of this ancient city.

What researchers found at the site is perhaps only equaled by what they did NOT find. The absence of cultic icons and shrines is evidence that the inhabitants observed a ban on graven images—very different from the idolatrous practices of the surrounding Philistine culture.

Carbon dating of cooked olives revealed the city was occupied during the time when David would have fought the giant Goliath, and the location of the city certainly supports what is written in the Bible.

Once again we see exciting historical evidence coming together to echo the history of the Jewish people, the relevancy of the Bible, and the origins of our writing. As this ministry continues to hold up the Bible as a historical narrative for Jews everywhere and the true testament of Yeshua, it is discoveries like this that prove to the world that the Bible can be trusted. 9456 Your support of our work means even more now as these scientific revelations confront global ideologies opposed to Jews and to God’s Word. When you support Jewish Voice, you help us share the truth of God’s Word through our television program, print media, and humanitarian outreach to needy people throughout the world. Please help us carry on this vital work by clicking on the Donate button below.

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