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Now That the Election is Over Let Us Pray to Continue and Grow

November 10, 2016

The United States has just concluded one of the most contentious presidential campaigns in our history. Throughout it, hundreds, thousands, and millions of words have been spoken—words of anger, fear, advocacy, and disagreement. In comparison, how many words have been uttered in prayer?

What a key time for prayers to continue and grow—not end, nor even diminish. Let’s continue to lift the leadership of our own nation up in prayer as well as the leaders of the nations around the world, including Israel and those in which Jewish Voice ministers, such as Zimbabwe and Ethiopia.

Scripture-based Prayers for a Season of Healing and Refocus:

  • Lord, many nations like our own have been experiencing division and strife due to “warring factions.” We ask that You would bring healing. Tear down any idols or systems that we have put in place that are not of You. Help us to build up godly order and unity, first and foremost among ourselves, Your Body, and then throughout our nations (Ecclesiastes 3:3).
  • Cause us—as well as our leaders—to see You as Most High, to honor and glorify You, and to recognize that You have ultimate dominion and authority. Help us to truly believe that the government belongs on Your shoulders. You set leaders in place and remove them from office, and You are able to direct our ruling authorities’ hearts and minds according to Your will (Daniel 4:34; Isaiah 9:6; Daniel 2:21; Proverbs 21:1).
  • Cause our leaders to humble themselves before You and commit their way to you. As they trust in You, may their hearts be still, recognize You as God, and exalt You among the nations (James 4:10; Psalm 37:5; Psalm 46:10).
  • Draw the leaders of the world near to You. Reveal Yourself to them, each one. May they become Believers and trust in You with all their hearts, not leaning on their own understanding. As Your sheep, help them listen for and heed Your Voice of guidance in every situation (James 4:8; Proverbs 3:5-6; John 10:27).
  • May our leaders be righteous, fear You, and love truth. Help them lead the nations, regions, and people You have placed them over with integrity of heart and the skill required for their role (Proverbs 29:2; Exodus 18:21; Psalm 78:72).

Lord, remind us as Your people to pray for our top leaders and all those in authority, so we can live peacefully, and so that people can hear the Good News, be saved, and know truth! We pray for them, but our hope is in You! Thank You that You are our anchor in times like these (I Timothy 2:1-4; Psalm 62:5, Hebrews 6:19).


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