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Open Doors to Change Lives

March 28, 2019

Open Doors to Change Lives

Our theme for 2019 is Open Doors. God is opening doors and providing many new and exciting opportunities to change the lives of His people through medical aid and spiritual care. We need volunteers like you to come alongside us and partner in bringing the love of Yeshua to thousands of Jewish people and their neighbors.

During our first medical outreach of 2019 in Ethiopia, we saw 17,787 lives changed in less than a week. God is moving among His people and you can be a part of it. Join us on one these upcoming outreaches to Ethiopia or Zimbabwe.

Somali Region

After years of prayer, ministry opportunities are now being opened to us in a remote Muslim area on the border of Ethiopia and Somalia. Here we will visit a unique Jewish community of over ten thousand called the Yebir.

The need is great. The Yebir are persecuted and live in poverty. They are denied basic rights because they are Jewish. In 2018, we saw 2,325 patients in a nearby area, in just two days! This will be our first full outreach in the Somali Region, Ethiopia and we expect thousands will come for the free medical and dental services we provide at the clinic. 

We need dentists, dental hygienists, opticians, physicians, gynecologists, dermatologists, and registered nurses. We also need non-medical volunteers to manage patient flow and organize the thousands of people that enter the clinic. 

The application deadline for this outreach is April 16. Please prayerfully consider walking with us through the door, the Lord has opened.


Beautiful Mberengwa has a special place in our hearts. This location hosted our first medical clinic in the country of Zimbabwe. We invite you to join us in experiencing the joy of serving the Lemba people and their neighbors. With Zimbabwe’s recent economic decline, we see the need is greater than ever for medical aid and sharing the Good News and love of Yeshua.

For this outreach, we are in need of physicians, registered nurses and nurse practitioners. We need non-medical partners to work side by side with our Zimbabwean partners to manage patient flow and organize the thousands of people waiting in line. We also need non-medical partners to pray with patients and assist with the Zhera Kids ministry. The Zehra Kids program teaches children the importance of their Jewish roots in a fun interactive way and is growing rapidly in Zimbabwe.

Hope is needed. The Zimbabwean people are in danger of losing hope and we want to help restore it with the love of Yeshua. With your partnership,p we can bring much needed medical aid and spiritual care to the Lemba andtheir neighbors. Register today to join us in beautiful Mberengwa.

Why Join Us?

Our free medical clinic provides medical and dental services. We also provide health education classes and distribute LifeStraws which provide clean drinking water which reduces water-borne illness.

Due to limited access to healthcare, our medical clinic may be the only opportunity people in these rural communities have to see a medical professional. Sadly, we may have to turn away thousands of patients who wait in line for days because we do not have enough volunteers. We need both medical and non-medical volunteers.

Join us in bringing the life-changing Good News of Yeshua to Jewish communities and their neighbors. Contact us for more information at 602.288.5755 or through our website.

Watch this short video to see how our outreaches change lives. 

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