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Peaceful Israeli community rocked by terrorist attack

September 29, 2017

Another terrorist attack has rocked Israel – and those of us who love the Jewish people. This time, a Palestinian terrorist turned his rage toward a small, peaceful community northwest of Jerusalem.

An Israeli police officer and two civilian security guards were killed and a third wounded on Tuesday in the attack on the settlement of Har Adar, The Times of Israel reported.

The assailant approached the entrance to Har Adar just after 7 a.m., as part of a group of Palestinians who work in the community, according to The Times. He opened fire on security personnel without provocation and was then shot and killed at the scene.

The terrorist, a 37-year-old laborer and father of four, did not have a known history of involvement in terrorism, reported the Shin Bet domestic security service. Police said he did have a legal work permit, making him one of only a few Palestinians with such a document to commit a terror attack in recent years.

The killer’s wife had recently left him, fleeing to Jordan and leaving him with their four young children several weeks ago, according to the Shin Bet. The security service additionally reported that the man “had significant personal and family problems,” including domestic violence.

Har Adar is known as a quiet village, located just beyond the so-called Green Line, which delineates regions of Jordan, Egypt and Syria that Israel captured during the Six-Day War in 1967. The Palestinian Authority claims that much of the territory (including the entire West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem) should be part of an independent Palestinian state.

The area has rarely seen tension or violence. And, according to, a website that identifies its mission as working to “defend Israel from media bias,” the attack took place at the entrance to the village, not at a West Bank border crossing or checkpoint, as some major media outlets have reported. The entrance allows Palestinians with valid permits “to work in an Israeli community in an area characterized by peaceful relations.”

Not a typical terrorist profile


Observers reported that the assailant didn’t fit the typical profile of a Palestinian terrorist, which is often a young, unmarried man. The attacker was also known to nearby residents.

The Hamas terrorist group applauded the attack, calling it “a new chapter in the Jerusalem Intifada” and saying that the fighting will continue “until the complete freedom of the people and the land” is accomplished.

The Israeli government blames Palestinian political and Islamic religious leaders for inciting the violence. Additionally, they say, social media sites that glorify violence and encourage attacks are also at fault.

Since September 2015, approximately 51 Israelis, two visiting Americans, an Eritrean national, a Palestinian man and a British student have been killed in attacks by Palestinians, according to The Times.

Dark thoughts


If we agree that this attack is somewhat unusual, then we can’t avoid the darker thought that those who hate Jews might have crossed a line this week, directing their rage at a quiet and peaceful village where Jews and Palestinians were known to coexist.

I don’t like that thought.

But I know that God is in control of, not only my life, but the world I live in. Yes, the world is damaged by sin and evil. But His perfect plan of peace and human redemption will prevail. Our enemy Satan has the momentum in the Middle East right now. But that won’t always be the case. And when Yeshua (Jesus) returns in power and glory, Satan will be conquered and all will be set right – for Israel and the entire planet.

We have to hold on to that truth. Our hope must spring from our unshakable belief in the lordship of Yeshua and no one else.

As you pray about these tragic developments – and I hope you pray regularly for the Jewish people – please also consider a special gift for Jewish Voice. As you give, you’ll stand with Israel, which needs trustworthy friends like you, genuine security and the chance to hear the Good News of the Gospel.

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