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Praises and prayer requests from the Poland festival

February 12, 2020
Prayer Points

Did you pray for our Festival in Poland during December? If so, you were part of something unique and significant!

A key church leader there told us, through tears, “You must understand. This has never happened before in Poland.” To his knowledge, never in Polish history had thousands of people – many of them Jewish – come together and heard the Gospel presented in a Jewish context by a Jewish Believer in Jesus.

That is the event you were praying for, and we are so grateful for your participation in the Festival through intercession. We want to share with you some praises regarding the experience in Warsaw and what we saw the Lord do there. We’ll also include some prayer requests that came out of this historic event.

Let’s praise the Lord together:

  • Our team in Poland agreed – this was one of the smoothest Festivals ever
  • There was incredible unity among the team members: staff, Outreach Partners and Polish partners
  • Team worship times throughout the week were full of the presence of the Lord with hearts focused on Him, which fueled the extensive intercession that took place there for the Festival
  • As our volunteers went throughout the city sharing the Good News and inviting people to the Festival performances, they experienced divine appointments and shone the light of Messiah wherever they went
  • The Friday and Saturday Festival performances were full – 2,500 people each night
  • Sunday, we held an additional service where 1,000 people gathered because they wanted to hear more
  • Altogether, 6,000 people heard a clear and passionate presentation of the Good News of salvation through Yeshua (Jesus), given by Jonathan Bernis. They listened attentively and had the opportunity to receive personal prayer at the end
  • There was confirmation, over and over, that the Lord is doing something special in this season in Warsaw and Poland and that this was exactly the “right time” for Jewish Voice to be there with this type of event
  • We were strongly impressed that the Lord really wanted to use the Festival to bring revelation to the Believers in Poland regarding His covenantal love for the Jewish people. He is showing the Jewish people His redemptive plans and purposes for them, and He is revealing to the Gentile Church how to join Him in those plans.

Here are some prayer requests that flowed from our time in Poland. Please pray for:

  • Believers there to awaken to God’s heart for the Jewish people and become engaged in reaching out to them with the love of Yeshua
  • The Lord to continue to fan the flames of unity between Jewish people and Gentiles in Poland, where there is good soil and a unique timing for fruitful Kingdom cooperation
  • New vision and excitement for the congregation we partnered with, now that they have experienced firsthand taking the Good News to the Jewish people
  • Encouragement and strength for the couple leading a small Messianic fellowship within this large congregation as they seek to shepherd the Festival’s fruit
  • The Gentile Church and Jewish Believers in Warsaw to unite as never before and be a beacon of light to the nation and all of Europe

Let’s Pray:

Lord, only You fully know and could accurately retell all the wonders You did in Warsaw through this Festival – and foretell all that You will continue to do. May we treasure these praises in our hearts and continue to water through our ongoing prayers the seeds that were planted. Make Warsaw and Poland a place of healing, shalom and light – the Light of Messiah – to those within its borders and to the world. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

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