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Prayer Points: Prayer moves mountains...

October 13, 2021

Prayer Points

“I thank my God at every memory of you, always praying with joy in every prayer of mine for you all, because of your sharing in the Good News from the first day until now” (Philippians 1:3-5).

We thank God for you and are so grateful for your prayers. Prayer moves mountains, opens doors, and prepares hearts to receive the Good News. Each time you pray, the Lord uses those prayers to further accomplish His plans and purposes for Israel and the Jewish people through us together.

Here are some wonderful praises for which your prayers have paved the way:

  • We have seen growth among the Ethiopia and Zimbabwe congregations, spurred on by the Lord amid (and, in some cases, due to) constraints related to COVID-19.
  • When COVID-19 restrictions prevented us from bringing some of our typical Outreaches to areas, local leaders developed new and creative ways to reach out.
  • The number of small groups meeting together in Ethiopia and Zimbabwe for fellowship and discipleship has really multiplied. That is a praise in itself, but these groups could perhaps one day become congregations, which is an exciting possibility.
  • A Jew and A Gentile Discuss podcast celebrated its one-year anniversary, reaching many who desire a deeper understanding about Jewish and Gentile Believers and where their beliefs diverge and intersect. We are moving into year two with anticipation.
  • The Night of Promise: The Day of Atonement broadcast on television and online was a beautiful expression of unity in the Body. Many ministers, worship leaders and viewers joined Jonathan Bernis and Gordon Robertson in preparation for Yom Kippur and in support of Israel.
  • The response to Operation 1226 — a week of prayer based on Psalm 122:6 — far surpassed our expectations and confirmed the passion our partners have to pray for Israel and the Jewish people.
  • We recently launched the Jewish Voice 24-7 Prayer Watch, giving our partners another way to activate their desire to come before our heavenly Father in ongoing prayer for Israel, the Jewish people, and the nations.
  • Although, since early 2020, we’ve had to cancel several Outreaches and conduct some without volunteer partners, Outreaches are back on the calendar, and our partners have been able to go on several of them.
  • We have sought God for new Outreach models and have held several food-distribution Outreaches as well as resumed some standard Medical Outreaches.
  • Our spring Outreach to Ethiopia was a huge blessing, with encouraging fruit coming from the Zehra Kids Program in particular.

These praise points are all in response to God’s goodness and your prayers. Whether you recall praying for these things specifically or not, when you pray for Jewish Voice Ministries, the Lord hears and answers, furthering His plans and purposes through us, in response to your prayers.

Thank you, and please keep praying! Whatever the months ahead hold, we know that together we will experience the goodness of God and many answers to your prayers.

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