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Prayer Points: You make this life-saving work possible

September 20, 2021

We are so grateful to be headed to Ethiopia again! We appreciate your prayer covering for this Outreach – before, during and after. Your intercession prepares the way not only for the Outreach week but also for the ensuing months and even years. This Medical Clinic will be held in an area with both Orthodox and Evangelical Christians and where local Messianic Believers are already reaching out to other Jewish people. We are excited to partner with them to see Jewish people blessed in the name of Yeshua and come to know Him.

Here is some more information regarding the Outreach, the area, and how you can pray along with us during this critical time. Thank you for your prayers!

Wednesday, September 22–Wednesday, September 29 | Preparations – Isaiah 40:3

We are excited to minister to serve the Gefat Jewish people in partnership with the local Bete Kidan Messianic Congregation already ministering there.

  • Pray for safety and efficiency as preparations are made
  • Pray for the preparation of the region, the hearts of the people and the spiritual atmosphere

Thursday, September 30–Friday, October 1 | Travels and Adjustments – Joshua 1:9

We will have a small but excellent group of Outreach Partners joining us for this Outreach. Please pray for:

  • Protection, travels, health and on-time arrivals
  • Favor at each checkpoint and no delays
  • Safety on the drive to the hotel and Clinic site
  • Protection against disease
  • Partners and staff to begin the Outreach rested and excited
  • Blessing and evidence of Yeshua’s (Jesus’) love to flow from us to all whom we encounter

Saturday, October 2–Sunday, October 3 | Set-up and Clinic Opening – Philippians 4:19

These two days will be full of adjustments and preparations for the Clinic to open on Sunday. Pray for:

  • Unity of the Spirit and all to work as unto the Lord
  • Successful training meetings for medical/dental staff as well as Outreach Partners
  • Patient lines of patients to be orderly and efficient
  • Many Jewish people to hear about the Medical Outreach and come

Monday, October 4–Wednesday, October 6 | Worship and Work – Psalm 77:14

This Outreach will have medical, dental and eye care and a pharmacy, plus opportunities for spiritual ministry! Please pray for:

  • The Living Waters team, taking LifeStraws® and Good News into the community
  • Congregation members who will be offering prayer and sharing Jesus
  • A special time of worship and prayer together Tuesday night
  • Healing, signs, wonders, and miracles, confirming the life available in Jesus
  • Testimonies of God’s goodness to draw many to believe

Thursday, October 7–Sunday, October 10 | Closing and Returning – Psalm 46:8

We pray for God’s Kingdom to continue expanding in this part of Ethiopia as Jewish people and their neighbors receive salvation and come together for ongoing fellowship. Pray for:

  • A peaceful Clinic closing on Thursday and that we will have seen as many patients as possible, blessed the local workers and left the fragrance of Messiah in the community
  • The partnering Messianic congregation will be able to follow up effectively in the community, leading to the planting of a second congregation there
  • Understanding of God’s heart for the Jewish people to grow in the community
  • Safe travels home and good health for each Outreach member

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