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Record numbers lead to second lockdown

October 01, 2020

“And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 4:19 NIV

Our week started with Yom Kippur and on Friday we begin Sukkot, the last of the annual Feasts for this calendar year. Sukkot reminds us of God’s provision for the Israelites in the wilderness and also of all He has provided in our lives today.

Let us together thank God for His provision for the Jewish people and also ask Him for protection and to provide a way out of the coronavirus crisis the world is experiencing. Again, this past week we are seeing record numbers of new cases in Israel, including an increase in patients needing ventilators. Hospital parking lots have been converted into temporary wards. The entire country is in a second lockdown to stop the spread of the virus.

There is good news regarding peace between Israel and other Arab countries, as you’ll read about in the news stories below concerning both Saudi Arabia and Sudan. Meanwhile, the U.S. has imposed sweeping new sanctions on Iran to curb the country’s nuclear, missile and conventional arms threat.

Thank you for continuing to stand with and pray for Israel and her people, especially in regard to the coronavirus.

Israelis mark Yom Kippur with second lockdown

On Yom Kippur, the holiest day on the Jewish calendar, Israeli life comes to a halt. Businesses shut down, roads empty, even TV and radio stations go silent as they faithfully fast for 25 hours and go to God with prayers of atonement.

This year a second lockdown to try and contain the spread of the coronavirus has already closed non-essential businesses and Israelis have been ordered to stay within 1,000 yards of their homes. This lockdown continues through mid-October.

The government responded to a significant spike in the number of daily cases and fear of hospitals being overwhelmed with this nationwide lockdown. Israel is experiencing one of the most severe outbreaks in the world, currently reporting more than 7,000 new cases a day – with a population of just 9 million, according to The Times of Israel.

In the spring, a lockdown largely contained the outbreak. The new daily cases dropped to around a dozen in May. Authorities then reopened schools and businesses quickly, leading to a surge in new cases. At the same time, the economy struggled to recover. An emergency government was formed at that time to manage the crisis caused by the pandemic. Unfortunately, infighting has only increased the public sense of despair.

Saudi king takes aim at Iran, talks of support for Middle East peace

During his debut last week at the annual United Nations meeting of world leaders, Saudi Arabia’s King Salman called for a united front to contain Iran and stop it from getting weapons of mass destruction.

"A comprehensive solution and a firm international position are required," the Saudi king, told the 193-member General Assembly in a video statement that was pre-recorded due to the coronavirus pandemic, according to U.S. News & World Report.

In reference to U.S. peace efforts in the Middle East, Salman said, “the kingdom supports all efforts aimed at advancing the peace process.”

Salman did not explicitly express support of the recent normalization agreements between both the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bahrain with Israel, but it is believed both countries likely received Saudi Arabia’s blessing, The Times of Israel reported.

Sudan and U.S. discuss Arab-Israeli peace

A Sudanese delegation and American officials met in the UAE and discussed how peace could stabilize the region, according to the Reuters news agency.

The discussions were held on the future of Arab-Israeli peace, which would lead to “stability in the region and preserve the right of the Palestinian people to establish their state according to the vision of a two-state solution,” a council statement said after the return of the delegation.

The two sides also discussed “the role that Sudan is expected to play in achieving this peace,” it said. Further details were not provided.

U.S. imposes sweeping new sanctions on Iran

After asserting that the United Nations arms embargo on Iran be reimposed indefinitely, the United States imposed sweeping new sanctions on Iran to curb the country’s nuclear, missile and conventional arms threats.

President Trump’s administration is imposing new sanctions and export control measures on 27 entities and individuals connected to Iran’s nuclear weapons program, according to VOA (Voice of America) News. Iran's Defense Industries Organization (DIO) and its director, Mehrdad Akhlaghi-Ketabchi, and Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro are among those being sanctioned.

"For nearly two years, corrupt officials in Tehran have worked with the illegitimate regime in Venezuela to flout the U.N. arms embargo. Our actions today are a warning that should be heard worldwide. No matter who you are, if you violate the U.N. arms embargo on Iran, you risk sanctions," said Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, alongside other top U.S. officials from Trump's national security team, last week during a press briefing at the State Department.

Let us pray together

Please pray with me for:

  • Israeli citizens to follow the nationwide lockdown regulations and for coronavirus cases to decrease
  • Hospitals in Israel to be able to provide treatment for all who need it
  • Additional Arab countries to seek peace with Israel – possibly Saudi Arabia and Sudan
  • Protection from threats to Israel by Iran and any other countries opposed to peace in the Middle East
  • Jewish people to recognize during Sukkot that Yeshua (Jesus) is God’s ultimate provision for us and accept Jesus as their Messiah

Consider a generous gift

Thank you for praying with us for Israel and the Jewish people. You can also show your support with a financial gift.

Your generous gift will meet urgent needs for the most vulnerable Jewish populations in Israel – who are suffering even more because of the pandemic. You’ll help come alongside elderly men and women, recent immigrants, widows, orphans and others who are struggling with even basic necessities.

Your support today will also be used to reach the “Lost Tribes of Israel” scattered around the world with humanitarian aid, clean water and medical, dental and eye care.

Meeting physical needs opens the door to share the love and hope of Yeshua (Jesus) with Jewish people, bringing spiritual healing to hurting hearts.

Your gift will also help engage the Church concerning Israel and the Jewish people through our publications and social media presence, the new A Jew and a Gentile Discuss podcast, leadership training and more.

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