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The Star of David: Is it of Man or of God? Part 4

August 02, 2015

By Messianic Jewish Rabbi Manny Brotman and Sandra Brotman


This is the fourth installment of a special four-part series taken from the article of the same title by Manny and Sandra Brotman. Read Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.

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I, Yeshua (Jesus), have sent my angel to testify unto you these things in the congregations. I am the Root and the Offspring of DAVID and the Bright and Morning STAR (Revelation 22:16 JUB).

The Real Reasons

Could it be that the real reasons that certain individuals are attacking the Star is that they are not as concerned about an alleged occult association as they are about blinding Gentiles to believe the lie that only Jews should wear it.

Could the real reason why Satan is so aggressively attacking the Star of David be that GOD is using it through thousands of born-again Believers wearing it? Is the Devil happy about thousands of Jews being witnessed to and being saved because Believers are wearing it? Is he going to sit idly by? How will he fight this LIFE and LOVE symbol and try to defame it?

The Star of the Messiah – The Lamb of God 

DSC_8353-crThat the God of Israel refers to the Messiah as a "Star" is scripturally first seen in the Book of Numbers 24:17b and 19a. The Prophet Balaam was asked to curse Israel, and he refused in obedience to God. Instead, Balaam blessed three times and prophesied, "A STAR shall come out of Jacob, a Scepter (Ruler) shall rise out of Israel, and out of Jacob shall come Someone who will rule." 

(STAR OF THE MESSIAH, created by Manny Brotman, can be ordered from Sandra as a lapel pin in 18k gold and cloisonné finish.)

King David’s Greatest Descendant

God has promised that the Messiah of Israel would be from the Root of Jesse, David's father (Isaiah 11:10). In studying every connection in Scripture between David and his Greatest Son or Descendant, Yeshua, the following three truths hit home: Whoever the Messiah was going to be had to be born of the Seed of DAVID, be born in the City of David's birth — Bethlehem (Hebrew for House of Bread), and would return to earth to sit and rule the world from the Throne of His father, DAVID... in Jerusalem! Hence, the SEED of David, the CITY of David and the THRONE of David!

Interestingly, God chose to announce the birth of this Son of David, the promised "Rising Star" with "His Star" in the East. For a period of two years, this brilliant star lighting the night sky led the Wise Men (Magi) to Bethlehem! Peter calls Yeshua the "Morning Star" in II Peter 1:19.

One Bible verse incorporates the two words Star and David. This powerful statement was made by Yeshua Himself in the closing words of the Bible, Rev. 22:16:

"I, Yeshua, have sent My angel to testify unto you these things in the congregations. I am the Root and the Offspring of DAVID, the Bright and Morning STAR!"

Yes, God Himself promised a STAR OF DAVID. May we never again let our good be evil spoken of — neither by man or by Satan. May God mightily use this symbol as a powerful witnessing ‘tool for the harvest,’ opening up untold opportunities to share Messiah with both Jew and Gentile alike!

May the Holy Spirit lead you in joining us as the following prayer ascends to the Throne of God:

Dear God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,

            Thank You for revealing Your truth and insights in how to use such a God-given tool to share Your love with Your Ancient People. I pray Your Holy Spirit will lead me to prepared hearts of Jews and Gentiles alike as I wear such a symbol of love as my Star of David, "being ready always to give an answer to everyone that asks me a reason for the hope that is in me with humility and respect" (I Peter 3:15).

            In Yeshua's powerful Name, Amen.

For more on Messianic Judaism visit the Jewish Voice Ministries website and click on the Messianic Education tab.


mannyThe visionary Manny Brotman was known by many as the “Father of Modern-Day Messianic Judaism,” and in 1963 he founded The Messianic Jewish Movement International (MJMI). He is credited with popularizing the use of Messianic terminology and was the first ordained Messianic Jewish Rabbi in the modern Messianic congregation movement in the United States. Manny founded the Young Messianic Jewish Alliance of America in 1965 and laid the groundwork for the Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations. He spoke at world conventions and appeared on 700 Club, PTL Club, TBN, and 100 Huntley Street across Canada. He represented Messianic Jews in America at Washington for Jesus ’88 and addressed the over one million in attendance.

Manny married Sandra Sheskin in 1987, and together they ministered throughout the world. In July 1999, Manny suffered a massive brain hemorrhage and “was promoted to Heaven” several days later. At his memorial service, a number of people prayed to accept Yeshua as their Messiah.



sandySandra Sheskin Brotman was raised in an Orthodox Jewish home and found Messiah Yeshua in her youth. Her gifted voice and communication skills have resulted in appearances on the nationally televised Today Show, 700 Club, TBN, PTL Club, and 100 Huntley Street across Canada.  She has spoken on Capitol Hill to various U.S. Government agencies as well as prayer fellowships of congressional and cabinet wives. She has also performed as guest soloist at The Annual Congressional Prayer Breakfast sponsored by the National Religious Broadcasters.

In 1987, Sandra married Messianic Rabbi Manny Brotman, and they ministered extensively together throughout the world until Manny’s early “promotion to heaven” in 1999. Today, Sandra continues as an evangelist, faithfully teaching and singing in her ministries. Among her passions is ministering to the brave warriors of the U.S. Military and Israel Defense Forces through her music and biblical encouragement. She is also a creative speaker burdened to stop “The American Holocaust of Abortion.” Written and performed by Sandra, her dramatization of a 12-week baby in the womb – who is, in the end, murdered by her mother’s abortion – is a powerful testimony to life in the womb and can be viewed on her website at



For concerts, speaking engagements, and Sandra’s dramatic pro-life presentations, please contact:

Mrs. Sandra Sheskin Brotman, PO Box 356, Garret Park, MD 20896-0356, 301-946-3999


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