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A Storm Rolls in Over Hosanna

September 09, 2016

In the first few days of the clinic, this is a fairly easy task, emotionally speaking. But as the clinic nears the closing date, it’s harder and harder to accept that so many will not receive treatment. The more physicians and medical professionals who come along, the stronger our team and the more patients we can treat in the week. That means we have fewer to turn away when it’s time to leave.


A storm rolls in over Hosanna, as seen from the top of the hotel, taken after the clinic closed for the day. storm


Tuesday, September 6, 2016


Praise and worship


Morning worship meetings on these outreaches are beautiful times with the Lord and with each other as we praise His holy name. sept-6-tues-morning-worship-img_3210 Prayer warriors praying for one another before they go out into the crowd.



Construction update


Bob walked behind a building today and was surprised to see the progress of the new bathroom construction and told us, “I'm thinking that that the bathrooms will be usable before our outreach is completed.  Praise the Lord.”


construction The second new bathroom is coming along as well.



Seeking prayer


We have not been allowed to have a separate prayer room on this outreach. But that hasn’t stopped people from seeking us out for prayer. This is a shot of the back gate and people wanting prayer.



Your prayers mean so much to us!

Our staff and team tell us over and over again how they feel strengthened and experience solutions and breakthrough because of the prayers being lifted up back home on their behalf. Join us in praying for the remaining days of our Hosanna medical outreach Prayer points for Wednesday and Thursday of the Hosanna, Ethiopia, outreach.


September 7th, Wednesday – Psalm 118:21

  • The clear message of the Good News and new life in Yeshua to go forth with clarity and consistency, accompanied by signs and wonders
  • Physical healing, spiritual deliverance, and salvations through the Good News of Yeshua


September 8th, Thursday – Psalm 118:14

  • Continued strength for staff, partners, and local workers for a strong finish on the last full day at the clinic
  • Continued influence among the Gefat tribe and for salvations


For more daily prayer points for the Hosanna outreach, click here.

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