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Is Turkey Renewing Its Efforts to Replace Hamas?

December 31, 2015

unnamed Could it be that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan harbors dreams of reestablishing the once-mighty Ottoman Turk Empire that spanned the Middle East in the centuries prior to World War I? Some observers think so, and believe he may want to start by expanding Turkey’s influence in the Gaza Strip.

Sources inside Israel say that Erdogan is demanding unrestricted Turkish access to the Gaza Strip to deliver goods to the blockaded Palestinian territory as a condition for restoring ties with Israel. Turkey’s interest in Gaza is not new.

A Palestinian man and his daughter hold candles during a rally to pay tribute to Palestinians who organizers said were killed recently by Israeli troops. (photo credit:REUTERS) A Palestinian man and his daughter hold candles during a rally to pay tribute to Palestinians who organizers said were killed recently by Israeli troops. (photo credit:REUTERS)

Back in May of 2010, nine Turkish activists died when the Israeli Navy intercepted a Turkish flotilla that was seeking to breach Israel’s blockade on the Hamas-run Gaza Strip. When Israeli naval commandos boarded one of the flotilla ships, they were attacked with clubs and poles.

Now it seems Turkey is renewing its efforts to replace Hamas as the major player in Gaza. This may indeed be a part of a larger strategy to expand Turkey’s influence in the entire region. In fact, Erdogan’s Islamist government has been called “neo-Ottoman” by some critics.

In a 2014 speech, Erdogan praised the Ottoman Empire and declared that “once again Turkey is the hope of the whole region” and that “Allah willing, we will lift the borders in our hearts and minds”—a reference to the Empire’s lost territories and the borders that now separate them from Turkey.

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unnamed-1The Miracle of Israel DVD & Booklet

The Miracle of Israel tells the story of the only nation in the history of the world that has maintained a national identity for centuries without a homeland. The documentary explores four ancient prophecies in light of modern events and highlights four miracles that are distinct threads of the fabric of the Jewish People’s survival and restoration. This set includes the documentary on DVD as well as a companion booklet.

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