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UPDATE: Are Yemen Jews Still Being Persecuted?

April 22, 2016

UPDATE: Are Yemen Jews Still Being Persecuted?  

You may recall me last month bringing to your attention the news of 19 Yemenite Jews who were returned home to Israel through a clandestine operation.

We continue to rejoice in their safe journey. However, there are still more Jews who are being persecuted without reprieve in Yemen as they attempt to carry on their Jewish traditions in the land of their forefathers.

Just recently, Houthi militias reigning in Yemen’s capital, Sanaa, arrested Yahia Youssef Yaish, a local rabbi. They accused him of aiding in the smuggling of an ancient Torah scroll to Israel and are holding him captive.

Local sources in the area have also reported that Rabbi Yaish was arrested with the goal of pressuring Jews in Yemen to leave and emigrate to Israel.

Here at Jewish Voice, we encourage you to join us in praying for the safety and well-being of Rabbi Yaish, the Jews in Yemen, and the people of Israel in these volatile and trying times.

We would also remind you that your gifts of support make you a key part in countering the rising global tide of anti-Semitism; delivering medical, humanitarian, and spiritual aid to “Lost Tribes” communities; and sharing the Good News of Yeshua the Messiah with Jewish People around the world.

If you can share a gift of support for our diverse outreaches, please do so now using the “Donate” button below. We’d be so grateful.

To thank you for your gift of $20 or more today, we’ll send you a very inspirational DVD. “Freedom Fighter” is the story of Majed El Shafie, a former Muslim who was arrested and sentenced to death for renouncing Islam and placing his faith in Yeshua. He now leads a dynamic human rights organization in Canada.

Know that we are so thankful for your partnership. We can’t do this work without you, but together we are making a difference throughout the world.Thank you!


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