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Why Christian Support for Israel is Vital

August 05, 2016

Fervent evangelical Christian support for Israel has not gone unnoticed or unappreciated by key members of the Israeli Knesset. That was the message delivered last week as two Israeli parliamentary groups—the Christian Allies Caucus and the Delegitimization Caucus—hosted a special event in Israel.

The gathering at the Knesset centered around thanking the Christian community in general and Christian-Israelis in particular as well as discussing strategies for defeating the global, anti-Israel BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) movement.

We’re seeing antisemitism and ugly anti-Israel deception creeping out of the shadows


The BDS movement has been spreading rapidly, especially on college campuses. Just this week, an article in the Jerusalem Post titled, “The Rise of German Academic BDS,” pointed to a course at a prestigious German university that “claims Israel’s military harvests organs from Palestinians, and the Jewish state is responsible for a genocide.”

Sadly, we’re seeing anti-Semitism and ugly anti-Israel deception creeping out of the shadows and into the mainstream of many societies. This is why savvy members inside Israel’s government understand and appreciate the importance of Christian support.

This growing appreciation was reflected in last week’s meeting between Knesset members and Israel supporters as they came together to condemn the language of the BDS movement. For example, Knesset member Yehudah Glick told the assembled group, “ We seem to take things for granted. Your friendship is not something to take for granted. We should never take it for granted.”

For nearly fifty years, Jewish Voice Ministries has been encouraging Christians to support Israel and helping Believers understand the Jewish roots of the faith. As we continue to carry out that mission around the world, we’re using media wisely and powerfully every day to combat lies about Israel and to combat the ancient, destructive spirit behind anti-Semitism.

Also, please remember, when you partner with Jewish Voice you’re also helping deliver vital medical, humanitarian, and spiritual aid to oppressed Jewish communities in key points of need around the world.

Christian Support in Israel is Needed

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We remain ever-grateful for your support. Thank you for choosing to partner with Jewish Voice Ministries in sharing the love, truth, and Good News of Yeshua with a world that needs Him so much.

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