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Woliso Medical Mission - Field Update

February 04, 2015

Our Woliso medical mission team is already celebrating! 

Each day of the medical mission begins with worship and a brief message to encourage and strengthen the team for the coming day. It was a time of celebration during this mid-week meeting as we learned that over 2,000 people have already been through the clinic and nearly 500 have come to faith in Yeshua (Jesus).  pic 1

Medical clinic bustling with patients, including an ill woman

Once the clinic opens, there is a flurry of activity. Below, our team of nurses meets a woman who is unable to eat or drink without being sick. The medical team listens to family members who explain her symptoms. pic 2

Treating illness

The woman is so sick she has not been able to walk or get out of bed. The most likely cause is drinking from a contaminated water source. Parasites in the water cause all kinds of illnesses. Often in these impoverished areas like Woliso, residents only have access to one source of water, and it is used for laundry and bathing as well as for drinking. Only one source of water means that it is also where the animals of the area come to drink.  pic 3

Our on-site pharmacy gives patient access to much-needed medications

The woman was carried into an examination room where our JVMI team could better evaluate and help her. With a well-stocked pharmacy on-site at the medical missions clinic, she has access to the medications she needs. pic 4

Providing life-giving water through LifeStraws® 

Water is essential to life, but contaminated water can bring great sickness and death. It is people like this dear and very sick woman who remind us how important our water education class is, and what a dramatic difference clean water makes. That’s why when we conduct a medical mission, we also distribute LifeStraws® whenever possible to reduce the transmission of waterborne illnesses. The people that receive these water purification devices at our JVMI Woliso clinic will have a much better chance for a healthy year to come.

Please continue to pray for this medical mission:

  • for continued energy, unity, and joy for our team of volunteers and staff.
  • that record numbers of people will be drawn to the prayer tent to hear the Good News of Yeshua.
  • for eyes to be opened and see God’s glories, power, and saving love .
  • for hearts to welcome Him in, through faith.

Why not come with us for an experience of a lifetime! Visit our Medical Outreaches page onour website and check out our 2015 medical missions schedule. Pray, plan, and come along!

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