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Your Prayers Impact Us!

January 12, 2017


We believe that God is giving us a clarion call in 2017 to prepare the way for the Lord to come in all His glory and power to the people and places He is assigning us. However, we know that any mandate from the Lord must begin at some level with our own self-examination in order to prepare US for what HE is about to do!

We know and feel your constant prayers in partnership with the Lord, lifting us up and moving us forward. What a powerful difference it will make as you ask the Lord to prepare the way in us!

Please pray that:


  • Anything that lifts itself up against the knowledge of the Messiah will be laid low, knocked out, and brought down (2 Corinthians 10:5).
  • Any deficiencies will be filled up to overflowing by the renewing and cleansing of the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) (Acts 13:52).
  • We will diligently seek the Lord’s direction and that He will straighten out anything in us or our plans that is off course (Proverbs 3:5-6).
  • The Lord will keep us from stumbling by smoothing the way before us and protecting us (Psalm 91:11).
  • The words of our mouths and the meditation of our hearts would be pleasing to Him (Psalm 19:14).
  • As we renew our minds and are transformed we would clearly discern God’s will, especially when we are being tested (Romans 12:2).

Father, we are humbling ourselves before You and asking You to prepare us for all You desire to do this year. Move in us; move in our partners; and move through our united prayers. We want to make an eternal difference in the lives and world around us, and we know that can only happen when we allow You to work first of all in each of us. In Yeshua’s name, AMEN.


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